Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Well I guess it seems that my last post pegged me pretty well. Still a pretty terrible blogger, but I am going to make a active effort to do better.

That said, since last June lots has happened. I have moved in with a wonderfully gracious family who has been a tremendous blessing. The reason I have moved in with them is because in August I was offered the opportunity to become Ozone Ministries Springdale Director position. It is a follow-up ministry program to Camp War Eagle that is a Christian Summer Camp. Honestly it's hard to describe or explain the blessing & providence of the Lord that I have witnessed through this opportunity. Sometimes in the moment I can't see what He is doing, but when I look back I am overwhelmed by His hand of goodness over every part of the journey. I don't deserve it but by His love, grace and mercy He allows me to be His ambassador in these kids lives, and that's what I am going to do.

So now as I am about 6 months into this new season, and it's been a crazy experience of challenge, learning, growth, expectations fulfilled, expectations let down, barriers encountered, and heart revealed. I am so thankful for all of it. The Lord continues to reveal my shortcomings and weaknesses, all the while reminding me that no matter what it is, my seemingly obvious strengths or my apparent weaknesses, without Him it's in vain.

As Jesus says in John 15:4-5
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

In His gifts that are my strengths, He humbles me. In my weaknesses, He is enough.
The funny thing is, regardless of which it is, He has made my heart His home and I want nothing without Him, which is the greatest blessing & gift of all.
In Him I find purpose. In Him I find hope. In Him I find full satisfaction.

My prayer for you is that you will realize the truth that He is worth your entire heart...every room. Once we get that (and everyday I still have to fight the battle), we truly will find what we were created & purposed for...FULL ABUNDANT LIFE BY, THROUGH & FOR HIM.

Friday, June 25, 2010

It sorta seems like I am pretty much the worst blogger ever.
Since the last post, a lot & not much has been going on all at the same time.

I have recently finished my official internship at Fellowship Bible Church and am now seeking/pursuing what the Lord would have me do in this next season of life. Most of my efforts and moving forward plans have much to do with paying off my student loans so that I can be debt free. This is going to be no small task but I am finding peace in recognizing God's provision in every area of my life. He has so graciously blessed me with free housing through a family at my church for the time being as I work at the restaurant and search for other opportunities. It's hard sometimes because it's easy for me to buy into the lie..."why are you still working at a restaurant when you have a college degree?" and being defined by what I do or don't do instead of my position in Christ, but I think that is precisely why He is doing it. The lesson that circumstances don't dictate the character or nature of God rather God dictates the circumstances for His glory and my good.

So I have yet to figure out what is next but I am finding peace in Christ as He becomes my lifeline and that to whom I cling.
I'm pretty moblie, here & there a lot, sleeping in different places, sometimes packing my car for the day/week but I have been realizing that none of it goes unseen or unplanned by the God who reigns over me with mercy & grace. I may never have a time like this again in my life so I am seeking to embrace it, while embracing Him, as best I can.

One thing I ask of the Lord,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of Lord all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.
**Psalm 27:4**

My prayer as I pursue Him in the pursuit of what comes "next". Regardless of situation, job or where I live, this purpose is the foundation of all of it.

May you find comfort in knowing He uses all things to reveal His love & pursue your heart deeply.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Throughout this year we have been taking classes at Fellowship and the last one was called "Survey of Theology". Pretty much we covered major topics of the Christian faith and took short looks at each of them. At the end of the class, we had to write a paper about a theological topic or issue we wanted to research deeply and draw conclusions about what it means for us. Below is the paper I wrote. Mostly it sums up a lot of what is going on in my life right now as my internship year comes to an end and I begin moving forward. I have never before faced this season of my life, and I know it's not the last time, but I love the fact that I can rest assured in the God who walks not only beside me, but in front of me.

Survey of Theology- Theological Project

Knowing the God who is before

As this class ends, I find myself on the end of the residency program this year. Two days away from everything I have come to know is coming to a close and changing. Up until this point in my life, I have always had a plan, knowledge of the “next step” or at minimal a “to-do” list for the day. I like order, organization and initiating so I can guarantee things to happen. Some people find change, new or uncertainty exciting, thrilling and fun; however, I happen to not be one of those people. So with the reality of no plan in front of me, I must choose how to believe, respond and live. Throughout this year, whether in study, church, circumstance, or conversations, I have been taught that God is before all things.[1] Now, I realize I must stand and claim this truth amidst every circumstance, question of the future, decision, etc. That’s why I am choosing to understand and research the theological issue of God being before me.

In order to do this, I first have to understand, at least in some capacity the character and nature of God. One incommunicable attribute of God is His unchangeableness. Wayne Grudem describes this characteristic as, “God being unchanging in his being, perfections, purposes, and promises, yet does act and feel emotions, and he acts and feels differently in response to different situations.”[2] Multiple times in scripture God is described as being unchanging, the same, in His being, purposes, and promises.[3] Believing this truth of God brings great comfort in times of uncertainty when it is paired with the truth of scripture, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”[4] God is unchanging in His purposes, which include His purposes for me. Which leads me to believe and see that God is before me, using everything to accomplish His purposes of His glory and my good. The importance of this truth allows me to trust God despite circumstances, change or anything else. My faith and hope and knowledge of God depend on His infinite worth of my trust, and because He never changes, then I know that before each step I take, decision I make, or future situation, God already goes there.

Another attribute of God, which is communicable, that helps in the understanding of God being before me is His knowledge, or omniscience. This can be described as God fully knowing Himself and all things actual and possible in one simple and eternal act.[5] Going further, this would be that God has known all things that would happen and all things that He would do forever. Nothing was before God, He created, He was, no beginning; so He has always been before, always been all knowing and always will be.[6] He initiated creation, He initiated redemption and He continues to initiate as I walk with Him through life. [7] Because He knew, He initiated so I was able to then respond. Responding in faith to the gospel, responding in obedience to the Spirit and continuing to respond as He leads me in His purposes and plans. Although they are not always clear in my human perspective, my faith stands on His knowledge and not my own.[8] He is before me, His knowledge (in full) before mine, and so I walk in faith trusting in His knowledge and purposes that He reveals in scripture.

As I study and see these characteristics of God, I also see in scripture many examples of God claiming to go before His people or a declaration of that truth.[9] These examples show us the nature of God’s character and the promises to all who believe. It’s His character and His promises that I am able to take courage in as I pursue Him for the future. Even if I have no tangible plan at this point in time, I believe and hold fast to the truth of His character that He is already going there, preparing a way and will be a light to my feet.[10]

Alongside of the promise, there comes a command. In Psalm 16:8 David states, “I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” David chooses to set the Lord before Him. David gives God the rightful spot that He is due; puts Him where He already claims to be. Jesus also commands something similar in Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else…” Before everything, He says, seek God and His Kingdom. As a Christian, I am called to not only rely on the character and promises of God but to seek the Lord, who is before me, and set Him to have Lordship over every part of my life.

Interesting that as we look at Colossians 1:17, “He is before all things,” if we go one verse back, Colossians 1:16 states, “all things were created through him and for him.” This puts into perspective why anything and everything happens in existence, including that in my life. With a plan, without a plan, moving forward or waiting, wherever I find myself, it is for Christ. All of it exists for Christ and to make His glories known.[11] His glory is the purpose of all things, and so now as I find myself in a position of uncertainty, I recognize it is for the glory of Christ. His character, attributes, promises and commands all are a part of His glory, which I am able to take part in as I seek Him, where He is, before all things.

[1] Colossians 1:17

[2] Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings to the Christian Faith. Wayne Grudem. Page 73

[3] Psalm 102:27, Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6

[4] Romans 8:28

[5] see note 2, Page 88

[6] Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-3

[7] John 6:44

[8] Isaiah 55:9

[9] Deuteronomy 1:30, Psalm 59:10, Isaiah 52:12

[10] Psalm 119: 105

[11] John Piper Sermon: All things were created through him and for him.


I pray you know the God who is before you.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Got back from our spring break mission trip to Memphis on Friday. Such an amazing week, and plan to update more about what I learned, think, am excited about & all that happened soon.

However, I did want to share my team's recent GLEE performance with everyone. It was mostly for a "fun" element with really no purpose other than getting kids excited & enjoying ourselves putting it together. See the link below, and ENJOY!


Monday, March 15, 2010

My best friend is getting married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A lot of my life is changing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

& im pretty terrified.

but i take courage in the Lord...I cast my cares upon Him, knowing He is faithful & will do it. Whatever IT may be.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash came & she went. It was such a blessing to have a piece of "home" enter into my new life for a few days. It's so weird that one of the people who was my everyday normal has now become an event of the month because it's so rare that I get to see her.

Friendship is funny. Looking back over the years we have known each other & having been through so much, it's so wonderful to continue to share a friendship that is not separated by distance. Even as I write this & think on it, it's amazing to me that God calls us His friends when we are in Christ. I appreciate so much the truth that my friends, both near & far, new & longtime, were made to reflect the relationship that is offered to us by Jesus. Just small glimpses of His glory & yet friendships create such a joy and peace that is unexplainable.
Having her here, immersing her in my new norm, gave me such a comfort and blessed feeling that can only be a gift from God.

Thanks Ash for being in my life, being my friend through the years & supporting me in this new season of my life. It points me straight to the arms of our Savior and that is the greatest blessing of all. You are loved, appreciated and valued beyond measure :)

I hope everyone has friends such as mine, because they are truly the greatest!

**1 John 4:7**
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love COMES FROM GOD. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This is our Student Ministry blog that I have never posted. I recently was in charge of the newest blog post "How do I as a Christian overcome sexual temptation?"...interesting.

But besides that, it's also just another way to see what is going on in my life & ministry as we seek as a team to invest in students and families for the eternal. We desire to make Him great...& I hope anything that you check into challenges, encourages & enlightens your heart into deeper understanding of the God who created & loves you.

Blessings in this Valentines season :)